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I'm a Jersey girl living in the Colorado mountains- I'm a sucker for glowly light and deep conversations over a glass of whiskey . . .
Meet Ashley
Real stories, real moments, and all the good stuff in between—weddings, engagements, families, seniors, plus tips, tricks, and a little behind-the-scenes. Grab a coffee and take a look around
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Meet Aspen, she just turned 3 this past year. She’s full of spunk, smiles, and adventure. She loves Harry Potter like her big sister, loves to spin and dance around, and really enjoys all the horses on her friends ranch. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor last year after some horribly scary seizures, and […]
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Sometimes in the summer, the sunflower fields call your name. These fields are only 10 minutes outside our town and made a beautiful backdrop for this family’s annual photos. The Benner’s recently bought a new home and their realtor gifted them with a gift certificate for a family session (love this idea!) When I met […]
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Our friends bought this house and it turned out to be much more of an undertaking than they were originally planning. I wish I had some before photos to share with you, but let’s just say Cashel, worked some serious magic. This house was a labor of love and she did an incredible job. They […]
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This is great question that I’m frequently asked. Back in the 90’s, (a pretty sweet decade) everything was print. You’d go to a department store to get photos taken and you’d choose which photos you’d like, which sizes, and how many of each…and boom, that’s it. But, what if you wanted an extra 8×10 for […]