
Ashley McKee

Colorado Wedding + Portrait Photographer

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Work/Life Balance

  1. As someone who actually teaches time management, these are really helpful tips! Loved reading this!

  2. Brigitte says:

    I use the same planner and I love it. These are some great planning and prioritization tips 🙂

  3. Stacie says:

    I honestly really NEEDED to read this. I struggle with balance and often get overwhelmed. I like the idea of setting out a day for working rather than what i do which is just work on editing when I happen to have time here and there. Thanks for sharing with us how you stay sane!

  4. Monica says:

    Great tips! Writing things down, keeping my calendar updated, and taking time for myself helps keep me balanced.

  5. […] wrote a post a hot minute ago about work/life balance and this blog is a follow-up to that. So if you haven’t read that one yet, head over there! […]

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