Have you heard about the Aruna Project? If not, you’ll want to. The main focus of this organization is to help empower and free sexually enslaved women in India. When I first heard about this charity, I was shocked at the alarmingly high percentage of women and young girls who find themselves trapped in this unthinkable modern day slavery. The Aruna Project provides support, encouragement, opportunities, and financial aid to these women for a chance to escape that life. Most importantly they provide hope.
In May of 2019, I had the privilege of photographing an incredible event in our community. A friend of mine, was putting together a 5K run for the Aruna project and asked if I could help. I was both excited and humbled by the opportunity.
I showed up bright and early and right away you could feel the energy in the park, it was contagious. The diversity in the runners was beautiful! Mom’s pushing their babies in strollers, young kids running beside their dads, teenagers, men and women in their 70’s, and everything in between. (Kudos people, for real). 100% of participant’s registration fees went directly to the cause, it was a huge success.
In the photos you’ll notice some of the runners have names written on their bibs. These are some of the names of actual women who are currently suffering from this trafficking in India. They chose to #runforher.
If you’ve never been a part of something bigger than yourself, I implore you to try it. There is so much strength when we come together. There is power in numbers and in community.
Click here to read more about the Aruna Project or see how you can get involved.
If you are local (or feel like making a trip), or want to become a sponsor, my friend, Graham, is putting on another run this year, check out their facebook page for updated information and how to be a part of the fight.
#arunaproject #arunarun5k #runforher
All photos © Ashley McKee Photography
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Great work documenting this very important event supporting a good cause!
These are great!! You did such a great job of documenting this event! Love the black and white photos!
What a great event. Thanks for sharing about it!
such great photos for a great organization!