I love a good adventure. This session was indeed a good adventure. Steve owns hundreds of acres of beautiful land just outside of town. It is adorned with amazing flowers and farm fresh goodies grown by Freshies, and Steve has his own company, Western Heritage Farms, raising grass-fed organic meat. Trust me when I say- if you are local you will want to check them out. You can find them both at our local farmers market on the weekend during the summer months and online.
There wasn’t a bad view anywhere on Steve’s ranch. It is beautiful everywhere you look. It is the epitome of peace of there- beautiful evergreens all around, miles of fields and land, and the mountains just glow pink and purple as the sun sets. Though, I’ve heard plenty of stories of some mountain lion and bear visitors during the night (glad I can’t take pictures then).
Steve is a friend of a friend. Samantha, owner of Freshies, has been a friend of mine for over a decade. Our kids are besties and have grown up together and we love getting them together and letting them roam the ranch.
I can’t recommend this enough . . . when your family is in town schedule family photos! We know how fast time flies and we all understand how hard it is to get everyone together in the same place at the same time, so take full advantage. It may seem like a huge hurdle to schedule family photos- so many moving parts. Check out my blog on some super helpful tips on how to simplify family photos and get it done. You’ll never regret having photos of your family lining the walls of your home. Promise.
Check out some of my favorites from Steve’s family session.
All photos © Ashley McKee Photography
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