I’m so excited to share our Grand Mesa Family Photos! Every year I take our family photos and select a new location. Last year was Silver Jack, the year prior Ridgway State Park. This year might just be my favorite ever. Though, the ones at RSP were extra special because I was pregnant with our littlest and oh so excited!!
This year, we decided to take our Family Photos on the Grand Mesa and then go camping up there for the weekend. It was near perfect. And when I saw perfect, I’m going to be honest- perfection looks different to everyone. To me- it was perfect because I had my whole crew together, we slowed down, enjoyed the simple things, and created memories. As a mom of five I have learned to roll with what life is throwing us. So like, when we roll up to the spot for out photos and I’m shooting away and notice my youngest daughter’s left eye looks all red and watery and realized, oh wow- she has pink eye. She was 100% when we left, and an hour later- Pink Eye. Because life, because parenthood, because these are the days.
I am keeping it real here, guys. She started coughing that night and kept us up a good portion of the night in our camper. My poor girl. We wound up leaving one night early. She was in great spirits though. She was excited and happy, and you’d never know she was fighting a cold and pink eye if you didn’t see the symptoms. On a happier note: my in-laws camped up on the Grand Mesa with us and the kids had a blast hiking with them. My parents even came and did a little fishing for a bit!
My kids LOVE being outdoors, they want to do ALL thing things. But mainly, they want to adventure and explore. We found a trail with wild raspberries on one of our hikes and it was like we hit the lottery. They were psyched and collected a bucket full! The colors were just starting to change a little bit up there- so they also enjoyed finding some fall foliage.
All in all this trip was a success, pink eye aside. I am so excited to use this photos for #allthethings. In fact, I already have a new float wrap hanging in my hallway! New standouts on my walls of each kid and new photos in frames! Wondering where I print my photos, here’s your answer.
All photos © Ashley McKee Photography
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