My friend, Ravi, is the owner of a music production company called Myxotica. So, when he called me asking if I’d be interested in doing a city session to launch his business in the Denver area, I was thrilled. We grew up together in New Jersey and when we saw each other it was like no time had passed. We walked downtown for headshots, ran out in the middle of the street (do not recommend … ) for some awesome improv shots, stopped into the four seasons (thanks guys), and went to rooftop bars to capture some of the city lights.
Not only were we laughing the majority of the session but we were able to get some great images that allowed him to showcase his business. (Fun Fact: I’ve known two of these guys since the 4th grade!)
I’ve mentioned a lot of aspects that make me fall in love with my career. One that I haven’t touched on yet, is this … connection. Photography has helped me reconnect with old friends and family, it’s helped grow relationships and reestablish friendships from childhood. Now, that I think about, it might be my favorite side of this industry.
If you are in the Denver area stop by and see him do his thing!