Often while shooting a session, I find myself going back to these 7 principles. These 7 things I wish ALL my clients knew. The thought to write a blog about it, for some reason, never occurred to me- until recently! I’ve read all kinds of these posts with other professions- labor & delivery nurse, house cleaner, doctor, massage therapist, etc . . . They have all been helpful in some way! I hope this is helpful to you!
I’m here to capture real life, not perfection: I’ve mentioned this idea briefly before in other blogs but I really want to take a minute to explain this concept. I love traditional portraits, smiling at the camera and posed, it is a timeless Christmas card look. But, if I look back at some of my most favorite photos, they are candid and natural. They are of my kids laughing, or making me laugh, or my husband kissing our little girls chubby cheeks, or all of us looking at each other smiling- those photos are magical. Those are the type of photos I want you to have, and the types that I ensure we get at your session. So, if your little guy is too busy to want to stay still- we will chase him and you can tickle him and we will get incredible images that way.
I know it’s awkward at times: I start most sessions by letting my clients know that the first 20 minutes can (and most likely will) be a little awkward. Unless you are a professional model, most of us don’t spend significant time in front of the camera, and we feel all kinds of self conscious as soon the camera is out and eyes are on us. (See #3 & #5). Part of my job, is to make you feel and look your best. I don’t expect you to know where to put your hands, how to pose, or what lighting is best. That’s my job, and I promise- i’ve got you covered friend.
I can fix small blemishes: Please do not postpone your session if you had a breakout the night before. I can fix those little things (and chances are- although you feel like you can it see from mars, I can’t even see, let alone my camera)
Kids aren’t always well-behaved: What?!? Your kids (and maybe husband/fiance’) aren’t psyched about this photo session? Your kids didn’t nap well or are crabby today? Crazy. Let’s keep it real here, I’m a mom of 5 kids, yes 5! I get it, I really do. It’s okay, if they are clingy or are struggling, i’ve got some tricks, and it always works out. Also, if this is your first photo session with me, you likely see family photos as something ‘to get through’ my goal is to have fun, and have you walking away saying ”wow, that actually wasn’t so bad, fun even.” It’s a ringing endorsement when clients tell me that their family/husband was dreading their photo shoot and then on the ride home expressed that, they actually enjoyed it and are willing to do it again next time. Read some of my testimonies, some of the dads crack me up with their reviews. I love it!
You look amazing: You’re here, you showed up, and we are about to start- and you’re thinking about how you wish you would have lost 10 more lbs, or if this shirt makes you look wider, or your eyebrows aren’t perfect. (I’m talking to you here ladies)Girl! You look fabulous. You got all dolled up and I think you’re a total rockstar. I don’t notice whatever imperfections you think you have. Judgement free zone. Promise.
Tell me what you look at first when you look at a photo of yourself: Now, #5 still withstanding, I know when you see an image of yourself- there is one thing you go to first. Your one eye that closes slightly when you smile? (this would be me), your arms? waist? I don’t know- unless you tell me. So, if there is something you want accentuated (like a certain side you prefer) or not focused on, please tell me prior to your session so I can do my best to help you love your session and the outcome!
I’m so grateful you chose me: I know you have options, probably a lot. Sometimes, photographers can be like real estate agents- everyone knows at least 6. So the fact that, you saw my work- liked it, scheduled a session, and are trusting me to capture what means most to you- means the world to me. I love what I do and I support my family with my career, so your business and trust is something I take very seriously! I promise to work my tail off to ensure you feel you made the right choice.
There you have it, 7 things that as your photographer I wish you knew! I’m sure other photographers would agree on these points as well. The main things to remember when going to your session is to relax, enjoy it, and not stress. I hope reading this helped you a little bit, and you walk into your next photo shoot like a boss!
Here are some of my favorite random images of clients this past year: Enjoy!
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