I am so excited to share this Ute Indian Museum- Family Session with you all today! I’ve been taking the Hill family’s photos for 5 years now! What an honor! I first met Shannon when they were expecting their first baby in the summer of 2017. Shannon and her husband, Greg, were so sweet and I was so happy when they asked me to take their newborn photos after sweet Emma’s arrival and then every year since!
We took these photos at a local Montrose Museum– it is actually one of my favorite local gems. It is beautiful, simple, and easy to find and drive to. The Ute Museum is a great place to visit if you haven’t been there yet, I highly recommend stopping in and requesting a tour. Great local history, and an important part of our local community.
I haven’t blogged any of their sessions before now. They had requested that they were not shared publicly, until this year! The Hill’s now have two completely adorable little girls! They are so sweet to each other and are just so beautiful! Shannon also always manages to find them the perfect little matching outfits for their session, so I get to swoon over those each time and ask her where she finds them!
When Emma was a baby, I took her photos with this overstuffed elephant, and it’s a tradition to take hers and her sisters, Maddie, with her stuffed owl. I love that every year they can see how much they’ve grown and put all those images side by side!
We’ve taken photos in the spring and summer mainly but did a late fall session this year. IT WAS FREEZING! We had a snow just a few days prior, so the temperatures were much lower than we had anticipated! But, they were all such troopers during the cold and we got lucky with the sun coming in during golden hour.
Check out some of my favorites from one of my favorite family’s to photograph during this Ute Indian Museum- Family Session.
Check out some more family favorites:
All photos © Ashley McKee Photography
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